Tuesday, March 25, 2008

News from the Hop Vine...

UPDATE on the 3 latest: MaHoney Light, Pughtown Pub Ale and the Sowbelly Steam Beer have finished their fermentation in the buckets and have been 'racked' and are awaiting the bottling process....

We sampled a Woodstove (Holzhaufe) Lager over the weekend. It is still bottle-conditioning (which means it will get even better with age) but it was superb...
...as was the "Lights Out" Lager. This one was incredibly clear with tiny champagne-like bubbles. Hats off to the Brew-meister, once again....Really looking forward to those late-evening, after-gardening, Frosties this summer!


kansasrose said...

Great names there...looks like some fine brewskis. Sowbelly? How did that happen? :)

Susan Hess said...

Read post on Ranger Jim...it is in dedication to the old RR that ran through here in the mid 1800's and the completion of Ranger Jim's book.
Plus, what a cool visual, huh?? LOL
I'd LOVE to design THAT beer label.
;) Have since found out that Rnager Jim does not imbibe, so...more for us!


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