Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Staff of Life...

At the end of the week, I made up a batch of goat chevre to serve for snack at class yesterday. There is no great mystery to making fresh is actually a very simple process. One gallon of fresh milk (I use goat's milk but you can also use cow's milk) + one small packet of culture+ scrupulously clean utensils = over 2 lbs of really good cheese. Add to that, a bit of salt and chopped herbs, if you desire. Of course, I always desire fresh herbs on my cheese. Yesterday I used some chives, rosemary and a little thyme along with some fresh cracked black peppercorns.
I've just added two fresh cheesemaking classes to my schedule (details soon to follow) in May, because everyone should have this skill down before the summer gardens gift us with fresh basil and juicy heirloom tomatoes!! Trust me, this simple country pleasure is one you (and your guests) will ooh and ahh over. Now, if somebody out there can teach a crusty breadmaking workshop, I will be set for life.


  1. WOW! Gorgeous cheese! Thanks for the if my nanny goat Heidi would just give birth so I can get some milk. Have ya ever made a tomato/goat cheese tart? OHHHH....delicious

  2. From what I have heard and read...crusty bread is achieved by HOT HOT coals/wood embers fired ovens. I want a wood fired outdoor oven SO bad. :O Pizza crusts would be great too!

  3. Try the no-knead bread recipe from the NY Times...just google "no-knead bread" and you'll find it. It is THE best homemade bread recipe ever. Just like artisan bread from an old world bakery.

  4. Thanks, Cyn!
    You know, I completely forgot it, but I DO have that recipe. Hildie, isn't this the good bread recipe you gave me? My recipe file is in a severe state of disarray. Maybe I'll find it before I make the next batch of cheese.

  5. I helped deliver two adorable twin kids this afternoon!!!! heidi and the twins are doing fine! Boy they sure can bleet LOUDLY! Now I'll have me some milk. I'll be putting up some pics of them soon! Bustillo; Goat mid-wife.:D

  6. WOW! Congratulations!Can't wait to see the pics.Did you name them yet? You may be last in line for the milk for awhile!
