Friday, April 4, 2008

Making Choices-Coming Clean

Many years ago I made a conscious choice to purchase organic foods for my family and to buy a share in our local Community Supported Agriculture farm. I chose to feed my chickens organic mash, grow most of our own medicinal and culinary herbs and make many of our home remedies and body care products. It goes without saying that these choices are more costly than standard commercial choices. I'm not really complaining here...these choices have been very important to me and the long term rewards are well worth the cost. Less important sacrifices can always be made somewhere. But, True Confessions Time: The place I have always seemed to draw the line, when it came to cost,was for 'natural or organic' cleaning products....dang, they are just so expensive! I gave up most standard cleaning products, like chlorine bleach, long ago, and I never did use bug sprays, air fresheners, pesticides, weed killers or chemical those final few cleaning products under my sink seemed so glaringly out of place. They've irked me long enough...I just had to figure out a way to ease my earth consciousness, as well as save a few pennies by making my own cleaners. I started my research a few months ago and quickly realized that there are many simple cleaning recipes that utilize household staples, such as vinegar and baking soda. I was thrilled at the prospect of replacing those final holdouts under my sink with safer alternatives. I have been so inspired that I have dedicated the April Herbal Hands Workshop to the subject of natural house cleaning. Saturday, April 5th: Spring House Cleaning- Natural Ways to Clean your Home! By simple blending of inexpensive household ingredients, essential oils and herbs we can easily create a wide variety of non-toxic cleaning products that are healthy for humans, pets and the environment. We will also discuss various ways to cleanse your body and space of psychic ‘dirt’, creating sacred space, clearing ideas for moving into or out of a home, and ‘clearing the air’ after a disagreement. Vow to give your home a thorough cleaning this spring! We will also make a take-home natural cleaning product that is safe, effective and inexpensive to make! A few recipes will be posted in coming days....


  1. You have read my mind again...I have wanted to do the same thing here. In the house and psyche. Lots of 'cobwebs' and changes... I'll be watching for your recipes. ps.. thanks for remembering. ;) B.

  2. btw where do you find your great etchings like these women? I love this! :)

  3. it comes from a Dover copyright free clip art book...I have a whole stack of them. They've paid for themselves many times over!

  4. Hi Susan,
    You did it again with a great class yesterday. I so enjoyed learning about environmentally safe household cleaner recipes and purchased spray bottles at the dollar store near me on my way home. And the spiritual smudging is awesome.

