Sunday, April 20, 2008

Honey Bee Chant

Keeping my fingers, toes and knees crossed...It is in the hands of the gods (or actually Walt, the Swarmbuster) that the farm may be getting some hives this season!!
Walt's hives have been all over Chester County for twenty years, and frankly, I buy no other honey or beeswax for family consumption or product making. I've told Walt that when my catnip is in flower, his whole Northern bee family moves in. That catnip just hummmmms with honeybee delight. I do know the bees have seen troubled times in recent years, so when they are here, I do let them know how much I appreciate their hard work and dedication to the task at hand. I am truly grateful knowing that Walt, too, is dedicated to his work and his bees, which is why I buy only Swarmbustin' . Usually, I get a delivery or I'll pick up at a mutually agreed upon location, but one summer, years ago, I made a run to southern Chester County to Walt's place to pick up a few cases that he left for me on his back porch. Walt was out in the fields somewhere and all the doors and windows were open in his farmhouse. I hooted, thinkin' somebody might be about. No answer. I loaded up my treasure and as I was walking back to stick my check in the door, I noticed that there were no screens in all those open windows. Wow, I thought, that is some true, natural livin'. Then I noticed the bees...flyin' in...and flyin' out..flyin' in.. flyin' out. Could it be true?? I just had to see. Yep, right there in the center of the 'living room' was an active hive. wow. That is a guy who loves his work and his bees...and that's a guy I'm always gonna buy honey and beeswax from. I will do the honeybee dance when he calls to tell me he's definitely bringing twenty hives to the farm!! It would be the 'bee's knees', wouldn't it? As Walt says, "We'll bee in touch!"


  1. Cool Sue! YOU be a bee a beekeeperbabe. Ellen will be stoked. This Walt sounds like a beecharmer. Farm at Coventry bee hummin'! :)

  2. I sent her a link to this post...
    hopefully shee can live bees vicariously through mee.

  3. We are CRAZY over his honey! We buy the honey from Walt by the pale, LOL. I truly respect just how well he treats his bees, which is why we refuse to buy from anyone else.
    We had the pleasure of going out to his place once, as well. Unfortunately we did not get to meet him, but we did meet some friends and family of his. They were having an open house and birthday party at the same time there, showing off the hives and so forth. The inside of the house is so interesting. Everything I've ever dreamed of living within. We enjoyed many conversations with the folk there about honey, natural healing, food recipes, fishing, and so much more. My children got the chance to look at active hives and learn well where our honey came from first hand (as opposed to hearing us or learning in books).
    I would love to know him more in the way that you do someday. =)

  4. Thanks for the linky, I actually hit kinky first... what kind of slip is that?
    O velvet bee, you're a dusty fellow,
    You've powder'd your legs with gold!
    O brave marsh marybuds, rich and yellow,
    Give me your money to hold! Jean Inglow

  5. Ellen, all I can say is...
    welcome to the farm, sweet pea
