Sunday, April 20, 2008

for Lisa...

It's really just as simple as that...
Chop, cover with apple cider vinegar, admire, store in a cool dark place for about six weeks, shake occasionally, strain...enjoy. This is dandelion leaf and flowers, but I will be doing a gallon of nettles vinegar today too. Vinegar pulls beneficial minerals from nutritious wild greens unbelievably well. So make lots and use them often. Your bones, your teeth, skin and hair will be very, very happy you did.


  1. Thank you Sue,
    I had a really nice time saturday.Coming to class makes me stop for a while and even though I know alot of what we discuss,I still learn many things I didn't know.I made a simple soup for dinner tonight with dandelion greens.Everyone loved it and it was gone in a very short time.Gotta go pick more.

  2. Mmmmm...that looks yummy!

  3. I was so encouraged from your post here that the kids and I went out and picked some dandelions today on the way home from school and started our own dandelion vinegar. My older son (5 yrs) wants to make salad dressing from it.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Oh Geez Sue, I still haven't seen a nettle other than your Farm. I'm terrified of getting stung. I have the nettles with the purple tops (didn't you call them false nettles?) Other than that none. I would love to try this dandelion vinegar but alas... No dandelions on my lawn...:-< All those years of Mr. Landscaper have down away with most of the dandelions. Maybe my neighbors lawn... hmmm

  5. That is great to hear, thank you for reading!
