Friday, April 18, 2008

Guilty Pleasure...

...I have to admit to loving bitter greens. It started years ago as a forced effort which then evolved into an acquired taste, but now I can say with confidence that I actually crave them quite often. Especially at times when they are at my feet for the picking. Like Pavlov's dog, my salivary glands start their ritual even as I bend to pick the garlic mustard flowers. I love dandy greens, chard, kale and the like...but give me a bitter green with a little extra zip, like arugula or mustard greens, my whole body rejoices. Today I made some mustard (the condiment) using yellow and brown mustard seeds and garlic mustard leaves. A sincere thank you to Rose Barlow at Prodigal Gardens in Wisconsin. She has, unknowingly, held my hand, encouraged and inspired me with her quiet dedication to wild eating. Rose unselfishly shares many wild foods recipes on her website, which is where I discovered her mustard recipe awhile back. I have waited, impatiently, for the profusion of garlic mustard around the farm and made the mustard yesterday.Rose recommends letting the mustard mellow for a few days but I couldn't help but dig in and slather it on a hunk of cheddar and sourdough....WOW!! It's got kick! Here is Rose's recipe: My only addition is the name!! I simply cannot improve upon this recipe...except I did use a food processor to blend it all together. Thanks, again, Rose! This mustard rocks.
1 cup whole mustard seeds (yellow/brown)
1 cup white wine vinegar or Garlic Mustard vinegar
1 cup Garlic Mustard, minced
½ tsp salt
¼ cup Maple Syrup
1. Soak the mustard seeds in the Garlic Mustard vinegar overnight.
2. Put into a food processor and add the rest of the ingredients. Pulse to blend well
3. Let it all sit together in a covered container for several days to mellow.
4. Put in small jars (1/4 pints work nicely).
Note: Mustard keeps well in the fridge for many months or you can can it in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to seal.

UPDATE: As Rose promised, this mustard mellowed beautifully in two days! Much less bite, so don't be timid. It is scrumptious!


  1. Oh my!! That mustard sounds fabulous!!!
    I am the only one in my family that truly loves bitter herbs...but I can get them all to eat I guess I can't complain...Kale, swiss chard and collards are eaten with relish as well as spinach. But I love it all...
    gosh...that mustard..something else I love is mustard! I think I have more of a savory tooth than a sweet one.
    have a great weekend!

  2. babe you live in a garden of goooood eatin'! Thanks for the recipe! Your site is education. Have a delicious Saturday. ;D

  3. Hi again!
    Last year I finally learned that Garlic mustard is edible...which I was ecstatic about, since it's so darned invasive. I admit to not trying it yet...bitters are something I'm still acquiring a flavor for, never liked them much. But I am enjoying them...and this recipe sounds delicious.
    I'll be sure to look into more recipes to incorporate them into our dishes. We're slowly learning to forage more and more, and the kids absolutely love it.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. Try eating just the white flowers.
    You can put a few of them in a salad or be eaten out of hand. They are a nice introduction to the flavor. Ideally you want to find some plants that haven't flowered to eat the leaves from...they are less bitter.
    Happy Foraging!
