Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Food Fare in Fifteen

I've been trying to plan meals to include food choices grown, grazed or produced within a fifteen mile radius of home. It's rather easy being surrounded by great farmer's markets and farms, not to mention the abundant selections available right out the back door. The baskets, counter tops and fridge have been full of great local food! Yesterday's partial harvest from the garden is seen above (with a basket full of fresh dug potatoes, herbs and a 5 gallon bucket of raw honey that came later in the day) The basket above was dubbed 'Gazpacho to Go' ...and go, it went, directly into the food processor to be blended into a yummy cold soup for lunch for the next few days. Tomato soup, hot or cold, is a comfort food that is always at the top of my fave list. Add a grilled cheese on sourdough, and I couldn't be a more 'comforted' camper.This recipe is more of a ingredient list, because it will vary with whatever is available and abundant: First and foremost, though: Lots of ripe tomatoes. I probably used a dozen or 15 of various sizes and colors. Quarter and put in the food processor bowl and pulse until good and juicy with small chunks. Empty tomatoes into a soup pot. Next, cut the ends off two medium cucumbers and a medium zucchini, half lengthwise and scrape seeds out (if they're large). Quarter and put in the food processor. Pulse until smooth and add to the tomato mixture. Repeat this process with a large onion, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1-2 jalapeno peppers (seeds removed), LOTS of fresh herbs: cilantro, chives, rosemary, parsley, basil, bee balm or oregano, salt and pepper, and a splash of olive oil. Pulse all until nearly smooth and add to the soup pot. If you have it, add two leftover ears of roasted corn, kernels cut from the cob and stirred into the pot. One final addition is not locally grown but, in my opinion, absolutely essential to the recipe: one organic lime, juiced and zested. Another tasty (non-local) addition is a cubed avocado. Stir well, taste for seasoning and chill through! A dollop of plain yogurt or sour cream on top is a yummy garnish.Dinner: All local....the veggies, flowers and pesto from the garden. The chicken, corn and yes, even the mushrooms are local from the farmer's market. I made the pesto with local goat feta.I may never use parmesan again! It keeps the pesto from turning black. oh yes, it was Heaven on a plate.


  1. Oh my gosh that plate of food looks fabulous!!!
    I wish we had farmer's markets near here for when things arn't producing well. There is a very tiny one (3 or 4 vendors at the most) on Saturday mornings not far from here now for the summer. My garden is starting to provide alot now so that helps. I need to make pesto maybe tomorrow..the basil is finally ready..yum! Gazpacho is one of my summertime favorites too. If only my tomatoes would hurry will be a couple weeks before I am getting alot of them ripe. (after my vacation..which will be fun to come home to)

  2. Gazpacho is one of my favorites too, Sue. So good and cooling on a hot day!
