Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Braggin' on the The Ice Man

He hates it when I brag him up... he really does. So I'll make this short and sweet cuz I just can't help myself. It's a momma's right, right? The Massachusetts Maple Leafs kicked butt in Pittsburgh last weekend and bumped the first place team to win the CHA Junior B Championship and the Continental Cup. The last weekend of March the National Championship will be held in Marlboro, MA and we'll be there! The IceMan is the one holding up the #1, with a big smile and bleach blond hair....oh, well...his skates are the furtherest to the left. GO LEAFS!!!!


  1. Good for them!! They all look very happy!

  2. O we know you hockey moms love to brag!
    Iceman sure got on the right team at the right time!

    Nothing better than to end the season holding The Cup with the the championship game as a double reward!
    Are you ready to put those camera skills in the hyperspeed mode?Traveling mercies to MA!
    Job well done to the son!

  3. It's true. Hockey moms can't even compare with the refinement of the gator chomping arms and sophistication of blue and orange attire of you Football moms! We are plain and simple: loud and proud!! Gotta see if I can pick up a sweet deal on a telephoto lens in the next week.My 55mm won't cut it for distance, I'm afraid. xo

  4. Wow What an accomplishment!! Good luck in Ma! Will be waiting to hear how that turns out.

  5. oh ellen, I forgot to mention that this coach has quite a few National notches on his belt so here's hoping he adds yet another one this year.
    This is exactly what the Iceman has been working towards and waiting for his whole 'career!

  6. hey Babe,
    I do so know how you feel on seeing your boy living his dream.
    Exciting times to be part of his dream! Glad you get to be there.

    My boys high school team used to bleach their hair when they made the playoffs too, how funny!
    Good news to have the experienced coach.

    I was thinking about if I could shoot through the glass around the rink without the focus *seeing* the glass? Football at least stops the action for me with every play. I have lots of blur shots even without the glass and the stop starts.

    Will you be decorating your car for the ride with maple leafs?
