Saturday, January 31, 2009

Warm Welcome on Queen Street

Long day, today... long week, in truth...
getting Green Eyes and her girls moved into their fresh new place.
Finally, the clothing is put away, sheets washed, beds made,
cable and internet up and running,
the kitchen organized and the
empty boxes out.


"Think you should get some curtains on those windows?"
"Where are the smoke detectors? Fire extinguisher?"
"Is there anything in the fridge besides drinks?"
"Did you pack the echinacea?"
"Don't forget to lock the doors"

"Bye, Momma. I love ya. I'll probably be home tomorrow to do some laundry...
((Even though she has a brand new washer and dryer))
...Maybe around dinner time?"
Easy transition


  1. how far from ya, be the queen street?

  2. just a hop, skip and a jump...nine miles

  3. you's a good mama hon! ;) breathe... Pretty place they got!

  4. You are close! You could ride your bike! Might be hard to do to keep the laundry folded on the handlebars ;o

  5. I was just there and let me say I saw the basement and I had a strong feeling come over me, it said, "This would be a great place to play beer pong!" It must be the old Kutztown alumni in me. This is a huge step up from our old apartment above the pizza shop!
