Friday, October 17, 2008

Thanksgiving in October

Giving thanks today for ...
nobody getting seriously hurt,
hunks of steel that can be replaced,
a great insurance agent and helpful cops,
knowing that my daughter has a posse of supportive gal pals around her,
being able to spend the day jumping through the hoops with her,
not being the mom that got the late night call

Sending prayers today for...
the young gal that hit not just this one, but three parked cars,
the gal pals(?) that foolishly let her get behind the wheel of her car,
her bruised body, ego and dent in her record,
the mom that got the late night call

Did I say I was thankful that no one was hurt??
Well , I'm really, really thankful for that


  1. OH hon! Sending prayers and a big hug to you and your girl. Yes!!! A blessed day of thanksgivin' for you all!

  2. OH my...How scary..and I agree..time for thanksgiving!!!
