Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Elderberry Endings & Give Away!

One final batch of elderberry syrup (see recipe here) made it's way to be bottled today and I think I can say that the elderberry season has sadly come to a close for this year. The family supply is fully stocked. I salvaged about a cup of loose berries in the bottom of the basket and I'll throw those into my favorite Irish Soda Bread recipe later this morning. I'm so very grateful for the large harvest this year and feel compelled to share the wealth! I will be giving away a 6 oz. bottle of the elderberry syrup and a 2 oz. bottle of the Spiced Elderberry and Peach Cordial to TWO lucky recipients! If you're interested, simply leave your name in the comment box here and I'll choose the winners on Monday, October 6th at noon. Good Luck!!


  1. yummy! I would love to win some Elderberry! My elderberry is still to young to produce...

    Deborah Gaiewski

  2. Looks wonderful - I made some last year with elderberries I was given and iat was YUMMY for sure. I planted one this year and got 3 berries (I was actually excited about that as it was the first year and it is still a baby).

  3. Well I would love to have my name entered :) It looks and sounds great! I don't think I have ever had Elderberries before.

  4. CONGRATUALTIONS on your wonderful harvest. What a nice idea to share your rewards. I so enjoy your lovely blog and beautiful pictures and helpful knowledge and tips...
    Many Blessings,

  5. Sue,
    I'd love to add my name to your Elderberry list.

    Thanks much, JoAnn Pushcarovich

  6. OOOOH...awesome! Please enter me...I love your elderberry syrup!
    I really love the labels you have on them...just perfect.

  7. Tina Sams. Me! Over here! Yoo hoo..

  8. I would love to win some Elderberry it looks luscious.Jane Werthmann in CT

  9. Please add my name to the hat!

    I have never had Elderberry!

  10. I once was teased with a taste of that delightful nectar in one of your workshops. Oh, to be honored with an entire jar... sigh!... May it be so!! Then, next year, perhaps I will learn how to make my own in your HH class. Yes! Cindy Koser

  11. Looks amazing! I always, ALWAYS am inspiried when i visit your blog!!!

  12. I just recieved the Elderberry syrup and it's amazing. The cordial even better.....Thank you Susan it will go to good use. My son is a bit sickly about this time of year hopefully the syrup will for the cordial, it's all mine...BTW the cordial bottle is very beautiful!

    Thanks again!
