Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everlasting Elderberry - Part 2

Many more elderberries to process and two very large apothecary roses loaded with hips helped to create this 1/2 gallon of  Elderberry Winter Elixir I put up yesterday afternoon. The measurements are approximate and listed in parts instead of cups.
3 parts elderberries
2 parts fresh rosehips (seeded and chopped)
1 part dried elder flowers
1/2 part fresh ginger root (chopped)
1/2 part sumac berries (optional)
1/4 part cinnamon chips
1/4 part fresh organic orange zest

I put the elderberries and rosehips in the bottom of the jar and covered with about a pint of our happy bee colony's raw honey (lovingly tended by Trey up at Two Gander Farm) and gave it a good smushing. Then I layered the ginger, sumac berries, elderflowers, cinnamon and orange peel and covered the whole lot with brandy. I'll let it steep a good 4-6 weeks before I strain it.
We'll use it along with echinacea tincture to help prevent the dreaded cold and flu viruses that we've been told are going to be especially bad this year.

As you can see, there many more hips to pick. Best to let them get touched by frost to enhance the flavor, but these are quite tart and tasty now, so I will continue to take my share before the birds and days of rain deplete the pickin's. The rose hips and sumac berries are loaded with ascorbic acid (Vitamin C ). The elderberries and elderflowers are nicely antiviral, and the ginger and cinnamon were added to create some warmth and get the circulation moving
It's important to get those seeds out. They are surrounded by irritating little hairs that are annoying on your finger tips, but even more annoying to your throat and gut if you ingest them.
Another opportunistic meditation time processing these little jewels.the final chop


  1. Ooh, very pretty picture and lovely potion...

    It's my experience that when tincturing rose hips it's not necessary to de-seed them, just do them whole and they'll be fine.

    For eating though, that's a whole 'nother mattter...

  2. Kiva Rose!! Welcome east.Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the de-seeding advice. I will definitely remember that in the future!
