Saturday, May 31, 2008

Whatta Week!!

Just coming up for air here on the farm...and that's only because we are having a heavy storm at the moment with a tornado watch looming until late in the day. It's definitely time to come indoors now.This past week produced serious time crunches to this farmgirl's calendar (and stamina) but in the end it was all good for biz. The classes were successful, the newsletter is ready for the printer, all big orders got delivered to the stores, all smaller ones got shipped and a new Farm at Coventry QuickBooks accounting program is set up and ready to go thanks to Laura! Wish I could say that all my planting got finished before this thunderstorm came through, but calling it a "work in progress" eliminates a little bit of the angst of seeing flats of plants awaiting their place in the garden. Tomorrow morning will have us up at day break to get the job done. whew, whatta week.....


  1. Susan,
    Wow does this entry sound familiar! I am so trying to get Quickbooks set up here too. Ha! I may have it done by the year end.

  2. Believe it or not, I finally admitted that I needed help with this after too many years of doing it all by hand.
