Monday, May 5, 2008

Just a Little Farm News....

Okay...the short of it:
1) I started a second blog...what, you say?
2) I found an irresistible billy goat and brought him home to stand in the comfrey patch...get a good look...
3) I spent the entire day trying to get something accomplished inside but was forced to spend alot of my day outside to avoid the noise, dirt and confusion that four men can create while ripping out an old bathroom and dragging pieces of it up and down steps....all... day..long. I'm not complaining. Really need and want the bathroom. Did get alot done outside, but there is lots to do in here,too. Thankfully, I received early word that the lawn mower guy is coming Wednesday this week, so I have one full day left to harvest mega plantain, dandelion flowers and violets all at the height of perfection and beauty. Is it just me or has anyone noticed what a spectacularly lush and bountiful Spring we are having here in PA? Stunning. So, the new's a Farm News blog which will be specifically for updating the class and workshop schedule, and for mentioning new inventory, sale items or newsworthy events around the farm.Both blogs were tweaked recently to create a similar look to the website . I am really very happy with it. As for the billy goat, I found him at a garden center...okay, so it was purely impulse, but I did allow a walk around for a few minutes before I picked him up and walked him to the register. And he did fool me out there in the early morning light this morning...((thought it was real)) so he's worth an early morning giggle anyway. priceless.


  1. Holy cow! I mean goat...I thought at first he was real..then I Those horns. Has the babe got a death wish? Is he made of metal? He is awesome! That's some equipment he's packin' What's his face look like? Do goats eat comfrey? Have ya named him? teehee.

    gonna check your new Babista blog digs...I lost a few more nuerons and started another blog too. (ya always inspire me) Been thinkin' on this for a long time.. a blog soley on wheat and breads. ;)come check 'er out.

  2. Sue, I so admire your closeup photos. You must have a very fine camera.

  3. Nothing special, Clare, it's just a middle of the road digital Canon.I use the macro setting and try for a steady hand because it is self focusing. I easily delete a dozen for every one I keep!
