Tuesday, March 25, 2008

News from the Hop Vine...

UPDATE on the 3 latest: MaHoney Light, Pughtown Pub Ale and the Sowbelly Steam Beer have finished their fermentation in the buckets and have been 'racked' and are awaiting the bottling process....

We sampled a Woodstove (Holzhaufe) Lager over the weekend. It is still bottle-conditioning (which means it will get even better with age) but it was superb...
...as was the "Lights Out" Lager. This one was incredibly clear with tiny champagne-like bubbles. Hats off to the Brew-meister, once again....Really looking forward to those late-evening, after-gardening, Frosties this summer!


  1. Great names there...looks like some fine brewskis. Sowbelly? How did that happen? :)

  2. Read post on Ranger Jim...it is in dedication to the old RR that ran through here in the mid 1800's and the completion of Ranger Jim's book.
    Plus, what a cool visual, huh?? LOL
    I'd LOVE to design THAT beer label.
    ;) Have since found out that Rnager Jim does not imbibe, so...more for us!
