Friday, February 27, 2009

Method to the Madness

How could I resist a paint color called 'Aurucana Green'? After all, some of my favorite feathered friends are of the Aurucana persusasion and they gift me with eggs that are this loverly shade of green. And this was 'Green Eyes' former bedroom, so it had to be green. Alas, no color chip called 'Green Eyes'. I'm finding it a much more pleasant task to choose the color chips by their name rather than to rely purely on visual attraction or matching it to curtains or fabric. I have collected a few extra color chips with names such as Silver Artemisia and Eucalyptus Blue. Hmm, which room to paint next?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Another One Done...

Here is Bedroom # 2
Martha Stewart's 'Ticking Blue'*
Had to match the sunset, too
Just one more bedroom left to do
Yellow room is nearly Sue's...

*It's actually 'Blue Ticking' but that wouldn't have worked too well in my silly poem.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Virtual Farm Tour

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Please kick back and enjoy the spring and summer happenings that we have to look forward to here on the Farm. May it chase your weary winter blues least for the next few minutes! I feel better already...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Throwback Thursday

for Monique...
I say 'throwback' because it's been a few good years since I finished a quilt and feeling the need to change that. I came across this little photo journal documenting the quilts I have made over the years. I had nearly forgotten about some of them....and sadly so. Revisiting the journal has really stimulated my creative bone. Thought you might enjoy seeing some real cotton eye candy...

my first...for the baby iceman...circa 1988

...and then again about ten well-loved years later...
(tens years after that, it's still folded sweetly in his drawer)

a duel effort...I pieced the top, my maternal grandmother quilted it for me, even though she wasn't happy about all of the black fabric. It was hard on her eyes, but she persevered.

wall hanging....I still have about 18 inches of binding to handsew....for years it's remained unfinished

a gift for my nephew

one of my faves... a gift for former mother-in-law. Most likely hidden away at the back of a closet these days... and that is a hopeful best case scenario. Don't want to even imagine the worst case scenario. oooh, I really loved this one.

a gift for my niece

OWOH Give-Away Winners

I'm a little late in announcing my One-World-One Heart winners today! My apologies for the suspense! I am really thrilled that 186 OWOH participants commented on the blog during the last few weeks to enter the drawing. Thanks to all who've wandered these pages. It's been a blast looking around at all of your blogs. So many truly creative people out there!
Okay, drumroll......
The Immune Broth Winner:
Linda from Journey Seeds
The Botanical Notecards Winner:
Rick from Life through My Eyes
The Laughing Crow Eye Cream Winner:
Monique from Living in the Light I Find
Check them all out...impressive blogs, all three!
Congratulations to all of you!!

Wind and Whining

Just a little while ago, I heard a huge howling wind gust. Much bigger than most of the winds blowing through here today.Next, I looked out the kitchen window to see my sweet greenhouse lift up into the air ...then smash down again, in a hundred flailing pieces. When I screamed out loud, the fellas working upstairs, dropped their tools and ran down the steps not knowing what they might find down here. All I could do was point and cry. They never hesitated, running out the door to chase after the cartwheeling pieces of metal and plastic. my... little... greenhouse. The winds still felt rather dangerous, making it hard for the guys to maintain their balance, but they persisted in getting all of the pieces secured in the barn. It gave me enough time to cry and wipe my eyes before they came back in. I got busy and called the insurance company.They went back up to finish what they were doing upstairs, cheerful and encouraging. They are good neighbors, salt of the earth, shirt off their back kinda guys.They do a good day's work and clean up after themselves. Honest, hard working guys, like big bro's, that we are really so blessed to know. I'm glad they were here.
An aside to this tale: Just yesterday, one of my sheets was blowing off the washline. These guys actually got down off a second story scaffold to run out and hang it back up before it fell in the mud....and I got it on film. Never told 'em...probably won't, either. Their buddies probably wouldn't ever let them hear the end of it. But I know...
Now, if they could work some magic with my insurance company. I just filed a tearful claim, and will just need to see if it's covered on my policy. sigh. They did mention that I am part of a 'large weather catastrophe'. Bad time of year for this to happen, with dreams of young seedlings dancing in our heads. It'll have to be replaced rather quickly if we are to accomplish our growing goals this year. Pulling my hat down hard and liftin' my chin up, here, even though it's quivering.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

In the Blink of an Eye

Happy Birthday, Emilia Green Eyes! How did you grow up to be 25 years old?
It may be the day that you celebrate your birthday, but I celebrate it as the (first) happiest day of my life.
PS. And how did you get to 25 while I stayed there?!

Monday, February 9, 2009


"The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to."
~carl sandburg

Super Bottle Sunday

Oh, what a productive day! After a slow start to the morning, the MAN and I decided to spend the day doing necessary individual projects on Sunday.The MAN had his work cut out for him by bottling recent batches of Bucktown Brown Ale, Pughtown Pub Ale, New Year's Lager, Mahoney Light, and Stiff Neck Pilsner. While he contended with that task, I sifted and sorted through many years worth of fabric purchases (I save every tiny scrap) along with patterns, books, quilting pieces, thread, embroidery floss, yarn, unfinished projects, etc. Surely you must know the deep satisfaction that comes with touching and re-evaluating the things you have accumulated over the years ((please say you do!?)) This empty nest thing has me evaluating everything that comes through my hands these days: from the socks I put on my feet in the morning to the yard sale duvet that I don't especially like, but keeps me warm at night. If it doesn't have a place, or if I haven't used it, worn it, loved it, dusted it, or cooked with it in a long's gone!! It took me all afternoon to go through that one space but it's finally all been reorganized and will be ready to move into the newly painted sewing room when it's time. Right now, that pretty yellow room is being used as our temporary bedroom until our own bedroom has been repaired and painted...which may take a little bit longer than expected ....sigh.The fellas were here today to start what was to be a simple job, repairing a few cracks and painting the room. In my gut, I knew it wouldn't be quick or easy. The ceiling is soft (which my gut didn't tell me) and the walls needed more than a few patches to the plaster. Once they started, two whole walls crumbled in a matter of minutes. I knew even though the door was closed. I heard three grown men sneezing and coughing and heard shovels scooping up debris and watched it drop past the window below. hoo boy. I'm pretending, for the moment, that it's a trendy Manhattan loft. But essentially, it is a simply a mirror of my own life...getting down to the bare bones of it. Leaving what is solid and real while shoveling all that has cracked, crumbled and become useless, right out the window. It is quite a cool look at the bones of this old house, dontcha think? The old wood, bricks and mortar are rather beautiful. Whatta way to bring in this new year, this new way of life. I'm digging it and going with the flow. Even if it means setting aside what I "should" be doing. This is absolutely necessary for my psyche, right now. It's my balm. my warm bath. my comforting cup 'o tea.
Guess this is just one of the things that herbalists can do during the winter months while they wait for the spring thaw. As much I as I look forward to getting back in the fields and gardens, I suppose I can be grateful that the growing season does come to a standstill here in PA for a few months out of the year. Otherwise, I'd never get anything done inside the house!