Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fresh Starts...

The new year has a way of giving us a kick in the pants, doesn't it? A fresh start to begin a new project, drop an unsavory habit or reclaim a beloved tradition that has fallen by the wayside. I am no exception to this yearly revisioning. However, in the last few years, I have tried to continue on after January passes into February with the fresh start mentality every month. After all, if you slip a bit, 11 months is much too long to wait to start fresh and get the kick in the pants.I'd much rather think that I simply procrastinated a few weeks instead of beating myself up for failing an entire year! No, go easy, Woman.
This year marks a ten year milestone in business for me So, to honor the years of toil, (no blood, that I can remember!) sweat and tears as well as the many rewards and deep satisfaction of creating a meaningful place on this planet, I've finally pulled the hidden photographs out of their digital files and the words from mind to keyboard to polish up my website for all the world to see. I guess it was the kick in the pants I needed, this new year.